Prodigy AmbulanceProdigy AmbulanceProdigy Ambulance
Spine Road, Opposite Mama Lucy Hospital
+254 713 644686
Prodigy AmbulanceProdigy AmbulanceProdigy Ambulance

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About us

Prodigy Ambulance Services

Prodigy Ambulance Services in Nairobi stands out as a beacon of efficiency, reliability, and compassion in the realm of emergency medical assistance. Founded with the mission of providing swift and top-notch medical response, Prodigy has garnered a sterling reputation for its dedication to saving lives amidst the bustling urban landscape of Nairobi.

Equipped with state-of-the-art ambulances outfitted with cutting-edge medical equipment, Prodigy ensures that every emergency call receives prompt and professional attention. Their fleet is strategically stationed across Nairobi, minimizing response times and maximizing their ability to reach those in need swiftly.

What truly sets Prodigy apart is its team of highly skilled medical professionals. Comprising seasoned paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and nurses, the Prodigy team is trained to handle a diverse array of medical emergencies with precision and care. Their expertise extends beyond mere transportation; they deliver crucial medical interventions en route, stabilizing patients and providing vital support until they reach the hospital.

We’re Known For …


Our Programs

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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